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About Primary Colors Personality Test and Insight Tools

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About Primary Colors Personality Insight Tool

Everyone has been confused or frustrated by another person's behaviors. Primary Colors Personality Test provides you the tools to understand the 'why' behind other people's choices.​

Primary Colors Personality Test and Insight Tools teach you how to easily, yet, comprehensively understand and communicate with different personalities.  Our personality tendencies actually color our perceptions, choices, attitudes, values and behaviors. Most people have dominant color personality tendencies in their personalities, even those who strive for complete balance have weighted tendencies.

PCPT was authored by Dawn L. Billings for use in her family-systems private practice in 2002. Dawn felt limited by the traditional four quadrant tests and wanted to create a tool that would provide her with more specific information she felt she needed, while at the same time, be simpler for her clients to complete and understand.

Dawn earned a Master's degree in Clinical Psychology while focusing on Organizational Psychology for her doctorate studies. She quickly realized that whether she was working with couples and families who were struggling because of a break down in respect, communication, and understanding, or attempting to help different departments within a company communicate with, and work together more effectively, similar communication problems were consistently evident.

By helping her clients and the members of her audiences learn to understand how different personalities might see the world through different colored lenses she created a fun, entertaining, non-threatening, easy to use this powerful insight tool to benefit individuals, couples, families, children, churches, corporations and organizations around the world.

Personality expert, Dawn Billings developed the Primary Colors Personality test to help people gain insight into their personality tendencies, as they also gained insight into the personality tendencies of the people they cared about, in different contexts in their lives. Dawn began to see that if her clients or audience members understood the six differing personality color tendencies that they were better equipped to communicate more positively, powerfully and effectively with others in their lives.

Just for FUN: It is easy to take the simplified version of the Primary Colors Personality Test online and have your scores automatically calculated.

Make Donation and take basic PCPT Personality Test here!

Meet Primary Colors Personality Founder and Team


In 2008 Dawn Billings was selected as one of the nation’s 80 emerging women leaders by Oprah Magazine and The White House Project, as well as, chosen as one of 15 Women of Achievement by the Cobb County, Georgia, YWCA for her socially dynamic programs and life-long dedication to the benefit of women and children.

Dawn L. Billings is the CEO, Founder of The Heart Link Women's Network®, an intimate and innovative women’s networking company, dedicated to helping women entrepreneurs showcase their products and services with ease and effectiveness. The Heart Link Women’s Network has over 150 locations world-wide and serves over 4,000 professional women each month.  She believes that when women are linked they are sure to create a better, stronger, more supportive world. Join the Heart Link Facebook community of tens of thousands of women worldwide.


Corbin Billings is Dawn Billings youngest son. Corbin was the youngest professional inspirational speaker in the history of the National Speakers Association, meeting all adult requirements when he was only eleven years-old. He inspired others to help him plant over 169,000 trees in his home state of Oklahoma when he was only ten years old. He authored four books by the time he was thirteen years-old. Corbin has since graduated from the highly respected USC Film School as a director, completed his first documentary called Bite Size: addressing the problem of childhood obesity in today's society, and is presently authoring a series of ten fantasy novels built off of World War II so that young people will never lose their understanding of the importance and impact of that famous war. AND he still finds time to be the Chief Operations Officer for Primary Colors Personality Insight Tools.


Stacy Axon has over 25 years experience as a successful entrepreneur. She has owned and operated her own retail store, created significant sales success and leadership for three different home based business companies, and launched her own training and coaching business in 2009. As a professional coach, Stacy has always had a passion for helping people discover who they are, what their strengths are and how to have more quality relationships and abundance in their lives. 

When she met Dawn Billings at a Heart Link Network event in early 2016, Stacy was already quite familiar with existing personality tests. She quickly enrolled in the PCPT Advanced Personality Training with Dawn, and recognized that the Primary Colors Personality Insight Tools were far superior to other personality tools she had used in the past. As a complete Primary Colors Personality convert, she partnered with Dawn and the rest of the PCPT Personality-Experts team, and is committed to introducing counselors, pastors, coaches, team leaders, executives, and/or anyone who seeks to have better understanding of themselves and those around them to the advantages and value of PCPT's incredible contextual insight tools.


Lee Cummins works with small to medium businesses to develop lifetime referrals and enhance their bottom line with a variety of tools. Coming from a corporate background Lee uses her expertise to assist businesses to maximise opportunites and understand their client, customers and target market.

"Lee presented, great, straight to the point relevant information supported by further reading material. The integration of the audience was effective in getting the message across and connecting the relevant information to the individual participants." Building Better Business Relationships Participant
"I enjoyed your presentation heaps and was both informed and entertained which I believe is quite an achievement in public speaking." Johnathon


Anthony (Tony) Billings II is Dawn Billings oldest son. Tony gained a dual degree in computer science and electrical engineering from USC, and a Master's degree in math education from ASU in Tempe, AZ.

He now teaches middle school math at Champion Charter School in Phoenix. Champion was selected as the number one Charter School in the state of Arizona in 2013. Tony is a gifted teacher, speaker and trainer and created the character "Action Fraction" for his infamous teaching and training math videos.


Yan Hughes is founder of 5 E Web Design and it is her genius behind the PCPT websites and online services.

From marketing manager to web designer, it was not as big of a jump as she experienced from a big city girl to a suburban mom. Design comes naturally to Yan. With her professional training in the web development, she has been working her dream work -- being creative and serving others at the same time.

Take Your Personality Test

It is easy to take the Expert Primary Colors Personality 6 Test Series online and have your scores automatically calculated. You receive a free 1/2 consultation with one of our personality experts, or a personality expert of your choice, who will carefully explain your scores for all 6 tests and help you gain a much deeper richer insight into who have a tendency at your best and worst as well as, in several life and emotional contexts.

Taking the Expert Series of 6 tests saves you $149.00 USD.
Total price for complete PCPT Expert Test Series only $99.00 USD

Why take the Colors Personality Tests from several contexts?

Context is an extremely powerful force in the lives of human beings. We are not the same in all contexts of our lives. We use different skills and tendencies at work than we do as intimate partners, and our behaviors may change depending on our stress levels or environment.

Although basic personality temperaments remain stable, the intensity of our personality colors may alter depending on the context we are experiencing at the time. Take this test as who you are at work, who you are as at home or as a parent, etc. Then take who you have a tendency to be under stress.

About Context? Why is it Important?

The Primary Colors Personality Insight Tools are built around personality in Context.

Life is contextual. We utilize different personality strengths, and tendencies in different life and emotional contexts of our lives.

We probably do not use the same color personality tendencies at work that we use as an intimate partner. We probably do not rely on the same personality tendencies when we are happy as when we are angry.

Primary Colors Personality Test invites you to take the colors personality test multiple times, from multiple contexts. If you better understand who you are at work, and how that differs from, or is the same as who you are at home, you will be much clearer about which personality tendencies are serving you best in each situation.

Why Use Six Personality Color Sections instead of the Usual Four?

The PCPT Six Personality Color Sections create a more unique, effective Personality Tool that helps you better serve your clients.

One of the major goals of creating the Primary Colors Personality Test and Insight Tools was to expand the way people thought of personality in general, and especially the way they thought of THEIR personality. No one can be pigeon holed as just one color, one initial, or even a set of initials. Human beings are more complex and elegant for that. Four Quadrant Color tests did not allow people to understand the fine distinctions that they need to examine in order to understand themselves, their thoughts, their choices and their behaviors with more clarity. The Primary Colors Insight tools were created to be used just as powerfully and effectively with large audiences and groups, as with individual clients.

The 6 PCPT Personality Color Personality Choices create a more unique, effective Personality Tool that helps your Better Serve Your Clients.

The 6 PCPT Personality Color Choices personality model is more effective, accurate, interesting, different, and fun.

The 6 PCPT Personality Color Choices personality test allows for finer, extremely critical personality distinctions.

The 6 PCPT Personality Color Choices personality test explains how extreme personality color tendencies create conflict, frustration and strife.

The 6 PCPT Personality Color Choices personality test is a context focused personality insight tool. It does not define you. Instead it helps you gain insight to your personality tendencies in different contexts of your life.

The 6 PCPT Personality Color Choices personality test is based on easy to understand and remember primary and secondary colors that are universal, and a perfect fit for all languages and cultures.