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Tony Billings II
Personality Testing and Training @ Primary Colors Personality

3460 E. Kael St.
Mesa, AZ, 85213

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I am a certified trainer and certification trainer for Primary Colors Personality Insight Tools created by Dawn Billings. In case you noticed the similarity in names, I am proud to be one of Dawn's sons.

I have learned first hand the value of this communication and insight tool. It has benefited me in my work and especially in my personal relationships. It has given me the understanding I need to best serve the children I work with every day, and to be a better person, husband and mentor. I am proud to be a part of this very important work started by my mom.


I have a dual degree in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science from the University of Southern California and a Master's degree in Education from Arizona State University.

I teach at an award winning charter school in south Phoenix, AZ where everyday I feel I make a difference in the lives of middle school kids that really need good mentors.

I love Primary Colors Personality Tools because they are yet another important tool in my toolbox when it comes to understanding how to effectively communicate with kids with different personalities.


I am the curriculum development director for Primary Colors Personality Test and Insight Tools.

Age Specialties
I am a specialist working with young adolescents as well as adults.
Accepted Insurance

Not applicable

Office Hours

Find training schedules for the Executive Training Resort and advanced Primary Colors Personality training on their respective websites.


Primary Colors Personality and Relationship Test Series

Order the full Primary Colors Personality Test Series Bundle and save $149

PCPT Personality Test – 3 contexts ($120 total value)

  • Context 1: Home/Parenting/Spouse

  • Context 2: Work/Professional/Team Leader

  • Context 3: At Ideal Self - the YOU that you dream of being

"Stress Strategies Test Tool" ($50 value)

"Anger/Frustration" Test ($50 value)

"Warmth or Strength" Color Wheel Values Test ($28 value)

Total Cost if ordered separately = $248.00

YOUR cost if ordered online through a PCPT Expert: $99.00

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